
Last updated 8-28-2024

It is very important to me that Democrats lose the November 2024 presidential election because of their unconditional support for genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. I will be voting for Jill Stein. A possible  Trump win can be dealt with by impeachment, including of Supreme Court justices that he appointed in his first term and might appoint in  a second term if incompetent or corrupt.

I value that my grandfather devoted 1929-1956 of his professional life in founding and directing a private parent owned, k-12, coed, progressive day school for Jewish children in a suburb of New Orleans at a time when Jewish children were not allowed to enroll in other white private schools because of discrimination.

If there was to be  a Jewish homeland,  I believe it should have been carved out of Nazi Germany, not used to displace the existing innocent population of Palestine nor to achieve earlier British empire goals for a client state in the Middle East. The USA was also a settler colonial project involving genocide and ethnic cleansing. We don’t get to choose our parents and their ancestors, but we can choose not to perpetuate a problem. The chain of title of most property goes back to broken treaties or treaties executed under duress between peoples with different languages and ideas about the relationship of humans to land. With that in mind, I have made a child, whose mother is half Native American, my heir. I met this child in 2012 when her family was renting from one of my prep school classmates. Her mother’s father’s tribe is not the same as that of genocide by my ancestors in 1637,  nor of the tribe that lived where my home of the last 44 years is located. 381 years have passed, so more exact justice is hard to establish, but it is a start at least of recognition of that injustice and a concrete step.

It is very clear from the Democratic 2024 platform that Harris intends to continue Biden’s unconditional support for Genocide and his proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

I consider myself a FDR style Democrat, but the party went in a different direction in 1992 with the New Democrats. We now are essentially a one party system with two flavors on social issues, but consistency on the issues that the largest donors care about which are all economic and include deregulation, or at least defunding of regulatory agencies and capture of their administration, low taxes, privatization of services, government corporate subsidies, and cuts to education and social safety networks to be replaced with increases for law enforcement and for-profit incarceration.